American Modernism I: Photography, the Ashcan School, and Early Abstraction


part 8
Jasmine Jackson
Flashcards by Jasmine Jackson, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine Jackson
Created by Jasmine Jackson almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Jacob Riis, Five Cents a Spot, from How the Other Half Lives, c. 1888, gelatin silver print photograph, private collection.
Jacob Riis, Bandit’s Roost, 59 ½ Mulberry Street, from How the Other Half Lives, c. 1888, gelatin silver print photograph, Museum of the City of New York, New York City.
John Sloan, Hairdresser’s Window, 1907, oil on canvas, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut.
Lewis Hine, Little Mother in the Steel District, Pittsburgh, 1909, gelatin silver print photograph, George Eastman House, Rochester, New York.
Arthur Dove, Nature Symbolized No. 2, c. 1911, pastel on paper, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.
Anne Brigman, The Spirit of Photography, 1907, platinum print photograph, Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England.
Alfred Stieglitz, The Steerage, 1907, photogravure on tissue photograph, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
George Bellows, Stag at Sharkeys, 1909, oil on canvas, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland.
Robert Henri, Snow in New York, 1902, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Eadweard Muybridge, Sallie Gardner Running at a 1:40 Gait, from The Horse in Motion, 1878, albumen print photograph, Kingston-upon-Thames Museum, Kingston-upon-Thames, England.
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