Biology key words in Chinese


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on Biology key words in Chinese, created by Deleted user on 03/01/2020.
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Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user over 4 years ago
Copied by a deleted user over 4 years ago

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Question Answer
细胞 [ xì bāo ] (cell)
组织 [ zǔ zhī ] (tissue)
营养 [ yíng yǎng ] (nutrition)
代谢 [ dài xiè ] (metabolism)
废物 [ fèi wù ] (waste)
原子 [ yuán zǐ ] (atom)
气体 [ qì tǐ ] (gas)
呼吸系统 [ hū xī xì tǒng ] (respiratory system)
循环系统 [ xún huán xì tǒng ] (circulatory system)
消化系统 [ xiāo huà xì tǒng ] (digestive system)
泌尿系统 [ mì niào xì tǒng ] (excretory system)
神经系统 [ shén jīng xì tǒng ] (nerve system)
内分泌系统 [nèi fēn mì xì tǒng] (endocrine system)
免疫系统 [miǎn yì xì tǒng] (inmunologic system)
骨骼系统 [gǔ gé xì tǒng] (skeletal system)
肌肉系统 [jī ròu xì tǒng] (muscle system)
生殖系统 [shēng zhí xì tǒng] (reproductive system)
样本 [ yàng běn ] (specimen)
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