Telling the time


Flashcards to practice telling the time with analog clocks
sergio blasco rueda
Flashcards by sergio blasco rueda, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Remei Gomez Gracia
Created by Remei Gomez Gracia over 8 years ago
sergio blasco rueda
Copied by sergio blasco rueda almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Little hand points to 1 Big hand points to 12 One o'clock
Little hand points to 1 Big hand points to 6 Half past one
Little hand points to 2 Big hand points to 3 Quarter past two
Little hand points to 3 Big hand points to 12 Three o'clock
Little hand points to 3 Big hand points to 6 Half past three
Little hand points to 4 Big hand points to 3 Quarter past four
Little hand points to 5 Big hand points to 9 Quarter to five
Little hand points to 5 Big hand points to 12 Five o'clock
Little hand points to 5 Big hand points to 6 Half past five
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