Basic English Speech Terminology


Apprenticeships English Flashcards on Basic English Speech Terminology, created by Christine Edwards on 20/02/2021.
Christine Edwards
Flashcards by Christine Edwards, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Fionnghuala Malone
Created by Fionnghuala Malone about 10 years ago
Christine Edwards
Copied by Christine Edwards about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agenda Topic/subject of conversation
Backtracking Interruption of the sequence of an utterance to include information that should have been included earlier
Colloquial Speech Natural everyday speech - language spoken as opposed to actually written
Compounding Combining two existing words to form a single word - laptop
Contractions Two words joined together by omitting a letter or letters and inserting an apostrophe
Dialects Language varieties where grammar and vocabulary identify the regional and social background
Dialogue Conversation between two or more people
Direct speech Speech using the speakers original words
Indirect speech Reports what someone said- he said "..."
Ellipses ... Indicates an unfinished utterance or something that has been omitted
Figuarative language Makes use of a metaphor or simile to create a particular impression or mood
Fillers Words that have little expression/meaning. Normally used to 'fill' conversation
Hedging Padding added to bald statements, often intentionally to soften a request or statement
Hesitations Indicated by pauses, repetition, reformulated phrases
Idiom Figure of speech, usually not meant literally
Intensifiers Usually adverbs or adverbials that intensify meaning and are used to create force and emotion
Intonation Sound of someones speech- pace, pitch, tone
Jargon Words/expressions specific to particular subjects often precise and complex
Micropause Pause of less than a second - (.)
Minimal response Brief responses such as 'yeah' 'mmm'
Mitigation Softened commands, being polite. -Would you mind...?
Open Question Question with many possible responses - What is your favourite colour?
Closed Question Question with set responses - Do you like ham? Yes/No?
Pauses Indicate indecision, uncertainty
Phonology Sound of speech including itonation
Register & Tone Describe the lexis and formality at work in someones speech or writing
Self monitoring Devices used by speakers to involve their audience and to check they are listening
Interrogative A question
Imperative Command/ Request/warning
Exclamation Abrupt/empathic or excited utterance
Slang Informal spoken language which is normally group specific
Sociolects Language varieties that reflect social background
Taboo language Language considered forbidden - swearing
Topic loop Utterance which returns the conversation to a earlier topic
Vague language Imprecise or wooly
Verbose When someone uses more words than needed
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