aortic stenosis


Flowchart on aortic stenosis, created by nora marwan on 16/09/2018.
nora marwan
Flowchart by nora marwan, updated more than 1 year ago
nora marwan
Created by nora marwan about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • infection
  • causes
  • rheumatic fever
  • -ECG - X-ray - echocardiogram - catheterization
  • investigations
  • pharmacological: -anti-hypertensive drugs - anti-calcific drugs - Lipid lowering therapy
  • dyspnea chest pain syncope arrythmia systolic murmur
  • faisal
  • - left ventricular hypertrophy - dilation of left ventricle - adherent cusps
  • symptoms & signs
  • diagnosis
  • felt chest pain, faint
  • possible causes
  • - HBP  - orthostatic hypotension - respiratory system (pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax) - CV system (angina, MI, mitral valve prolapse...) - GI (peptic ulcer, pancreatitis)
  • defective heart valves
  • morphology
  • management
  • surgical: - aortic valve replacement - balloon valvuloplasty - transcutanous aortic valve insertion
  • affects approximately 2% of people over age 65, 3% of people over age of 75, 4% of people over age of 85
  • prevelance
  • anatomy includes
  • - fibrosis & calcification dt wear & tear from HBP - congenital
  • chronic rheumatic valve disease
  • -ototoxicity -autoimmune inner ear disease 
  • felt faint
  • initially affects mitral valve
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