Reported Speech


secundario Ingles Mind Map on Reported Speech, created by Jessi1998 on 08/07/2014.
Mind Map by Jessi1998, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Jessi1998 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Reported Speech
  1. We use reported speech to report what someone asked or told another person to do.
    1. We use ASK in requests
      1. To report a polite request, we use: Subject + asked + object + infinitive.
        1. EG. He asked (me) where i live
      2. We use TELL in commands
        1. To Report a command, we use: Subject + Told + object +Infinitive.
          1. EG. They told me (that) they had run to school.
      3. TENSES
        1. Simple Present ---- Simple Past
          1. Present Continous ---- Past Continous
            1. Present Perfect ----- Past Perfect
              1. Will ---- Would
                1. Be + Going to ---- Was/Were + Going to
                  1. Must ---- Had to
                    1. Can ---- Could
                      1. Simple Past ---- Past Perfect
                        1. Past Continous----- Past Perfect Continous
                        2. We usually change
                          1. Suject Pronoun
                            1. Objective pronoun
                              1. me
                                1. him
                                  1. her
                                    1. it
                                      1. your
                                        1. us
                                          1. them
                                2. Possessive Adjective
                                  1. my
                                    1. his
                                      1. her
                                        1. its
                                          1. your
                                            1. own
                                              1. they
                                3. I
                                  1. he
                                    1. she
                                      1. you
                                        1. it
                                          1. we
                                            1. they
                              2. These adverds have changed with reported speech
                                1. Here-There
                                  1. Yesterday - The day before
                                    1. Tomorrow -The following day
                                      1. This-That
                                        1. These-Those
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