
Mind Map on THE ULTIMATE INBOUND MARKETING GLOSSARY, created by Adri Regino Moct on 08/14/2014.
Adri Regino Moct
Mind Map by Adri Regino Moct, updated more than 1 year ago
Adri Regino Moct
Created by Adri Regino Moct over 10 years ago

Resource summary

    1. A/B testing
      1. Testing two different versions of the same landing page to evaluate which one performs better.
      2. Authority Endorsement:
        1. Visual proof that IS the value of your offer, a way to establish credibility.
        2. Funel
          1. The process logic as a visitor gets to your page and completes the “transaction.”
          2. KPI
            1. Key performance indicators
              1. Key performance Indicators are the metrics you will look at to track progress toward your goals.
              2. Layout
                1. How the landing page is designed.
                2. Motivation of user
                  1. The visitor’s desire to receive your offer.
                  2. Page views
                    1. The number of views a page got.
                    2. ROI
                      1. The return on investment of your marketing efforts.
                        1. RETURN VISITORS
                      2. Time on page
                        1. How long a visitor spends on your landing page.
                        2. Value Exchange and Proposition
                          1. Giving out a valuable offer in order to get information from your visitors and the primary reason why your visitor will choose to convert on your page.
                          2. Visitors/Uniques
                            1. The number of visitors who came to your page.
                          3. EMAIL MARKETING TERMS
                            1. E-mail blacklist
                              1. Blacklist to determine which emails should be blocked
                                1. At least exist the e-mail whilist
                                2. CTR
                                  1. The percentage (the number of unique clicks divided by the number that were opened)
                                  2. House list (or retention list)
                                    1. You can use it to market, cross sell and upsell, and to establish a relationship with customers over time
                                    2. Email newsletter ads or sponsorships
                                      1. This term refers to buying ad space in an email newsletter or sponsoring a specific article or series of articles
                                      2. OPT-IN (or subscribe)
                                        1. Choose to receive email communications by supplying your email address to a particular company, website or individual thereby giving them permission to email you.
                                        2. SPAM
                                          1. Email sent to someone who has not opted-in or given permission to the sender.
                                          2. Above the fold
                                            1. The part of a web page that is visible without scrolling.
                                          3. BLOGGING & SEO TERMS
                                            1. Internal link
                                              1. A link from one page to another on the same website.
                                              2. Feed
                                                1. This is a news feed used for providing users with frequently updated content.
                                                2. Meta Keywords
                                                  1. These have historically been the most popular and well known element describing content of a web page.
                                                  2. Blog
                                                    1. This is short for web log or weblog. blogs are usually maintained by an individual or group of people. Blogger, Blogosphere.
                                                    2. Domain
                                                      1. The main web address of your site (example:
                                                      2. Keyword (s) or Keyphrase (s
                                                        1. These should be used as a topic generator.
                                                        2. Inbound link
                                                          1. A link from one site into another.
                                                          2. Pagerank
                                                            1. A number from 0-10, assigned by Google, indicating how good your overall SEO is. It is technically known as “ToolbarPageRank”.
                                                            2. Subscribe
                                                              1. Your blog should have multiple means through which users can subscribe to your content. These should include email and rSS
                                                              2. Social media sharing
                                                                1. Your content should not exist in a vacuum. Give people the opportunity to share your content for you.
                                                                2. Traffic
                                                                  1. The visitors to your site or blog.
                                                                    1. Traffic rank
                                                                      1. The ranking of how much traffic your site gets compared to all other sites on the internet.
                                                                  2. MARKETING AUTOMATION TERMS
                                                                    1. CRM- Customer Relatipship Management
                                                                      1. Is a system that manages interactions with existing and potential customers and sales prospects
                                                                      2. MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING AUTOMATION
                                                                        1. To truly be relevant, lead nurturing and email campaigns need to take into account buyers’ experiences across multiple channels and platforms, such as interactions on social media.
                                                                        2. RpM - Revenue performance management
                                                                          1. Is a system that improves your interactions with prospects along the sales cycle, measures results and seeks to maximize revenue.
                                                                          2. Shopping cart fetchback/ Abandoned shopping cart
                                                                            1. When someone places an item in their shopping cart, but doesn’t complete his or her purchase, marketers call this an abandoned shopping cart.
                                                                          3. SOCIAL MEDIA TERMS
                                                                            1. Hastag
                                                                              1. A hashtag is a tag used on the social network Twitter as a way to annotate a message. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a “#”.
                                                                              2. Foursquare
                                                                                1. The service uses a system of digital badges to reward players who “checkin” to different types of locations
                                                                                2. Flickr
                                                                                  1. Flickr is a social network based around online picture sharing
                                                                                  2. Backtype
                                                                                    1. Is a social media analytics company that helps companies measure their social engagement. previously, the service started as a blog comment search engine
                                                                                    2. Skype
                                                                                      1. Skype is a free program that allows for text, audio and video chats between users
                                                                                      2. Social media monitoring
                                                                                        1. Social media monitoring is a process of monitoring and responding to mentions related to a business that occur in social media
                                                                                        2. Twitter
                                                                                          1. User can “follow” one another as a way of subscribing to each others’ messages
                                                                                          2. Scribd
                                                                                            1. Scribd turns document formats such as pDF, word and powerpoint into a web document for viewing and sharing online
                                                                                            2. Avatar
                                                                                              1. an image or username that represents a person online within forums and social networks.
                                                                                              2. LIKE
                                                                                                1. A “Like” is an action that can be made by a Facebook user
                                                                                                2. Linkedin
                                                                                                  1. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site
                                                                                                  2. Podcast
                                                                                                    1. A podcast, or non-streamed webcast, is a series of digital media files, either audio or video
                                                                                                    2. Wikipedia
                                                                                                      1. Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation
                                                                                                      2. YouTube
                                                                                                        1. YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos
                                                                                                      3. MOBILE MARKETING TERMS
                                                                                                        1. Free to end user (FTEU)
                                                                                                          1. This is an application that is made available to an end-user at no cost other than an opt-in subscription.
                                                                                                          2. Impresssions
                                                                                                            1. This measurement is used to count the number of times a person is viewing an ad or message
                                                                                                            2. Interactive voice response (IVR)
                                                                                                              1. This technology allows a user to respond to questions using voice instead of text or numeric responses on their mobile device
                                                                                                              2. QR code (abbreviated from Quick response code)
                                                                                                                1. Is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) that is readable by dedicated Qr barcode readers and camera telephones
                                                                                                                2. Online Performance Marketing (OpM)
                                                                                                                  1. This process gathers metrics and statistics over a period of time, then analyzes the results to predict and report trends and habits of subscribers
                                                                                                                3. KEY LEAD GENERATIONS TERMS
                                                                                                                  1. LEAD
                                                                                                                    1. LEAD GENERATION
                                                                                                                      1. This process occurs as the visitor provides his or her contact information in exchange for valuable content.
                                                                                                                      2. CONVERTION RATE
                                                                                                                        1. (The number of people who complete a form on a landing page)/(The total number of people who visited the page)
                                                                                                                        2. LEAD-TO-CUSTOMER RATE.
                                                                                                                          1. (The total of customers for a given marketing channel )/(The total number of leads generated in that same period of time)
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