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business vocabulary
Mind Map on business vocabulary, created by nicolasgr07 on 10/21/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 10 years ago
Resource summary
business vocabulary
billboard:signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; hoarding
features:special characteristics of a product, usually leading to certain benefits
poster:large sheet of paper, usually illustrated, used as advertisement
promote:to (try to) increase sales of a product by publicising and advertising it
brand:a particular make of product - to brand v. - branded
consumer:the person who buys and uses a product or service
cost:to estimate the price of making a product
develop:to create a new product or improve an existing one
distribution:the delivering of products to end-users, inc. advertising, storing etc
launch:to introduce a new product, with publicity etc
sponsor:firm supporting an organisation in return for advertising space - also v.
black market:Ñillegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such as foreign currency
cash:coins or bank notes (not cheques); 2 actual money paid (not credit)
buyer n. 1 any person who buys anything 2 a person employed by a firm to buy
currency n. the money in general use or circulation in any country
invest v. to put money for profit into business, land etc - investment n.
transaction n. a (usually commercial) exchange; a deal - to transact v.
discount n. a reduction in the price; a deduction [usually expressed as a percentage (%)]
retail v. to sell in small quantities (as in a shop to the public) - also n. see wholesale
service n. work done usually in return for payment - to serve v. see product
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