Business vocabulary


Mind Map on Business vocabulary, created by alesuanca on 10/21/2014.
Mind Map by alesuanca, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alesuanca over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Business vocabulary
  1. advertisement: item of publicity for a product or service, in magazine, on TV etc
    1. coupon: part of a printed advertisement used for ordering goods, samples etc
      1. bank charges: money paid to a bank for the bank's services etc
        1. check: written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from one's account
          1. organisation chart: a table or plan showing a company's structure graphically
            1. shareholder: person who holds or owns shares in or a part of a company or corporation
              1. agreement: an arrangement between two or more people, countries etc; contract
                1. article: a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc
                  1. bonus: additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward
                    1. fire: to dismiss
                      1. cargo: goods or products that are being transported or shipped
                        1. merchandise: things bought and sold
                          1. loss: death, injury, damage etc
                            1. contract: a formal agreement, usually in writing, between two or more parties
                              1. brand: a particular make of product
                                1. chairman: the person who leads or presides at a meeting; chairperson; chair
                                  1. banknote: a piece of paper money
                                    1. flip chart: a pad of large paper sheets on a stand for presenting information
                                      1. buyer: any person who buys anything
                                        1. client: a person who buys services from a lawyer, architect or other professionals
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