Adjectives and
attributed to
nouns: the blue
pen, the tall tree,
a sunny day, an
Articles. Articles are words
like a and an (indefinite
articles) and the (definite
article): a book, an apple, (a
book, an apple) the table
(the table).
Modal Auxiliaries.
Modal auxiliary
verbs are: can,
could, may, might,
will, would, Shall,
Should, ought to,
need, must.
Conditional (if). Conditional refers to the phrases
that carry a sentence with if (si), eg: If you heat ice,
it melts. If I go out tonight, I'll go to the cinema.
Quantifiers. Quantifiers are
words that express an indefinite
amount: some, any, no, much,
many, little, few (fewer and less),
all, none, enough, etc.
Speech. The indirect style is the
grammatical structure we employ
when we where someone stated
above (direct speech): Mary: "Are
you going shopping, John?" (direct
Infinitive. Infinitives are the
basic forms of the verb: run, to
run, running (jogging) the latter
is sometimes called the gerund.
Questions and
answers. The
questions used
auxiliary verbs: do,
does, did;
investment subject,
verb (auxiliary): to
be, to have (be,
have) and the
interrogative modal
auxiliary verbs.
Prepositions and conjunctions. Prepositions
are words whose function is to denote the
relationship between two words (precede
nouns or pronouns: to, at, in, out, of, for,
from, On Behalf Of, etc.
Pronouns. Pronouns or determine the
supplement name or noun phrase. You have
to study the personal pronouns: I, you, he,
she, etc.
Nouns. Nouns refer to people: John, teacher;
places: Madrid, city; or things: book, pen;
qualities: happiness, bravery or activities:
football, hiking.
Tenses. The structure and use of tenses and aspects: present
simple, continuous; simple present perfect continuous; past
simple, continuous; Past simple, continuous, perfect; going to;
English verb. A study of how the verb works:
contractions, syntax, questions and negations,
the imperative conjugations of regular and
irregular verbs. The "phrasal verbs". The English
Passive. The passive voice is used when the
complement of an active sentence is placed in
front of it. The original subject is placed at the
end of the sentence or deleted: The thieves stole
the valuable painting (active). The valuable
painting was stolen [by the thieves] (passive).
Various grammar topics. There is, and there are other
variations. (There, there, would, were, etc.) Saxon genitive
(Mary's new car). The numbers from 0 to trillion. The
alphabet. Make and do Used to + infinitive to talk about the
past (We used to live by the sea).
English vocabulary. English vocabulary essential categories. How to tell the time, date,
days of the week, months. A study of the numbers from 1 to a trillion. Posts and
phrases for correspondence by email or letter. Basic English vocabulary categories.
Business English vocabulary.
Style Guide. Topics correct punctuation for writing texts
in English: The uppercase; point; the comma; the
decimal point; the semicolon; the colon; dialogue and
quotes; Signs? y! ; the apostrophe. Latin expressions.
Special treatments. Letter format. The record of the
written text (formal, neutral, informal)