TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles


Mind Map on TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles, created by zarolica on 09/01/2013.
Mind Map by zarolica, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zarolica over 11 years ago

Resource summary

TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles
  1. Atract New Customers
    1. Satisfied customer, good for business
    2. to keep its existing customers happy
      1. create customer loyalty
      2. Management skills
        1. Getting things done
          1. Manage resources
            1. Communicate this approach
              1. some, allow take decitions
              2. Leadership skills
                1. Empower
                  1. Productivity
                    1. special Characteristics
                      1. Leader
                        1. Confident
                          1. styles
                            1. Autocratic
                              1. "I tell" Philosophy
                                1. What to Do
                              2. Democratic
                                1. "I share" Philosophy
                                  1. Decisions whole team
                                2. Laissez-faire
                                  1. "hand-off" Philosophy
                                    1. Trust
                                3. Delegation
                                4. Philosphy: opportunity to get on
                                  1. Great place to work
                                    1. Action
                                      1. "the most effective leaders adopt a style appropriate for the situation"
                                        1. TASK
                                          1. Tradition
                                            1. TEAM
                                              1. Aware wrong style
                                                1. Consequences
                                                2. External Factor
                                                  1. Internal Factors
                                                3. INSPIRATIONAL
                                                  1. CREATIVE
                                                    1. INNOVATIVE
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