Placenta y membranas fetales


Mind Map on Placenta y membranas fetales, created by Alejandro Mayor on 09/06/2013.
Alejandro Mayor
Mind Map by Alejandro Mayor, updated more than 1 year ago
Alejandro Mayor
Created by Alejandro Mayor over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Placenta y membranas fetales
  1. Placenta
    1. decidua
      1. basal
        1. capsular
          1. parietal
          2. membrana placentaria
            1. sincitiotrofoblasto
              1. citotrofoblasto
                1. tejido conjuntivo vellositario
                  1. endotelio de capilares
                  2. circulacion placentaria
                    1. fetoplacentaria
                      1. maternoplacentaria
                    2. Vesicula umbilical
                      1. Tranferencia
                        1. Produccion
                          1. Revestimiento
                          2. Alantoides
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