

Mind Map on Adverb, created by Sofia Sanchez on 16/05/2020.
Sofia Sanchez
Mind Map by Sofia Sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Sanchez
Created by Sofia Sanchez almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. manner
    1. comes after the verb
      1. can be found with any auxiliary verb
        1. they answer the question how
          1. describe how someone or something acts
            1. ex:she has accidentally lost her flight to NYC.
            2. possibility
              1. come after verb
                1. sentences with auxiliary verb=between auxiliary and main verb
                  1. maybe and perhaps always at beginning
                    1. show certainty
                      1. ex: She will definitely fail the class.
                      2. Time
                        1. beginning or end of sentence
                          1. answer question when
                            1. they mention specific or indefinite time
                              1. Ex: Yesterday I went to the movies.
                                1. recently can occur before verb or between an auxiliary
                                2. Opinion
                                  1. beginning or end sentence
                                    1. Give opinion about entire sentence or idea
                                      1. before verb
                                        1. ex: Unfortunately we have to stay home because of the virus.
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