SAB7#103 Manage Project Team


Mind Map on SAB7#103 Manage Project Team, created by Raúl Ladrón de Gueva on 25/08/2015.
Raúl Ladrón de Gueva
Mind Map by Raúl Ladrón de Gueva, updated more than 1 year ago
Raúl Ladrón de Gueva
Created by Raúl Ladrón de Gueva over 8 years ago

Resource summary

SAB7#103 Manage Project Team
  1. Scope of the Project
    1. Working People Management
      1. As it is ?
        1. Job
          1. Employment Relationship
            1. Performance
            2. Making a team
              1. Encouraging good communication
                1. Working with other organizations
                  1. Using leadership skills
                    1. Using negotiation skills
                      1. Observation
                        1. Using an issue log
                          1. Keeping in touch
                            1. Performance Evaluations
                              1. Making good decisions
                                1. Influencing the stakeholders
                              2. Development Team
                                1. Balance at work
                                  1. Organization
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