máfia italiana


Mind Map on máfia italiana, created by Margarida Perpetuo 2020021 on 30/11/2021.
Margarida Perpetuo 2020021
Mind Map by Margarida Perpetuo 2020021, updated more than 1 year ago
Margarida Perpetuo 2020021
Created by Margarida Perpetuo 2020021 over 2 years ago

Resource summary

máfia italiana
  1. Afonso
    1. A
      1. B
        1. C
          1. D
            1. E
              1. F U
      2. and your mom
        1. and your sister
          1. and your job
            1. and your broke-ass car
              1. and that sh*t you cal art
                1. F*ck you and your friends
                  1. that i´ll never see again
      3. everybody
        1. but your dog
          1. you can all
            1. F*CK OFF
        Show full summary Hide full summary


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