Verbal Tenses


Mind Map on Verbal Tenses, created by Nadia Oliveira on 04/04/2014.
Nadia Oliveira
Mind Map by Nadia Oliveira, updated more than 1 year ago
Nadia Oliveira
Created by Nadia Oliveira almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Verbal Tenses
  1. Past
    1. Spoke
      1. Example
        1. I spoke with him
        2. Past Perfect
          1. Uma ação no passado que ocorreu antes de outra ação no passado
            1. Example
              1. She had spoke with him before he was arrested.
          2. Past Continuous
            1. Ação que foi interrompida; ação continua que ocorreu no passado
              1. Example
                1. She was speaking with him when he died
            2. Past Perfect Continuous
              1. Uma ação no passado que ocorreu antes de outra ação no passado
                1. Example
                  1. They had been speaking with her before he started to kill
            3. Present
              1. Speak
                1. Ação atual
                  1. He speaks with her (now)
                  2. Continuous
                    1. Ação em movimento
                      1. I'm speaking with them.
                        1. Is/are + ing
                    2. Simple
                      1. Perfect
                        1. Ação que ocorreu há pouco tempo ou num período indeterminado; Ação que começou no passado e continua até agora (geralmente acompanha "since" ou "for")
                          1. I've been spoken to her.
                            1. 2) I'm sorry. I have forgotten your name.
                          2. HAVE/HAS/IS/ARE + BEEN + PAST PARTICIPLE
                          3. Present Perfect Continuous
                            1. Ação que ocorreu no passado e acabou agora ou que ainda está acontecendo
                              1. We've been speaking with them since last year.
                              2. HAVE/HAS/IS/ARE + BEEN + ING
                            2. Future
                              1. Will speak
                                1. Going to speak
                                  1. Example
                                    1. I will speak with her
                                      1. I'm going to speak to her
                                      2. Future Perfect
                                        1. Uma ação que será completada antes de um tempo específico
                                          1. Example
                                            1. By next july, my parents will have been married for fifty-five years
                                          2. WILL + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + PAST V.
                                          3. Future Continuous
                                            1. Uma ação que estará em andamento em um tempo específico no futuro
                                              1. Example
                                                1. I'll be speaking with him tonight
                                              2. WILL + BE + BEEN + ING
                                              3. Future Perfect Continuous
                                                1. Enfatizar o montante de tempo que ocorreu antes de um tempo específico no futuro
                                                  1. Example
                                                    1. By june, my cousin will have been studying at the same college for seven years
                                                  2. WILL + HAVE/HAS + ING
                                                2. Continuous
                                                  1. Have/has been speaking
                                                  2. Perfect
                                                    1. Been Spoken
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