Verbos Modales


Mind Map on Verbos Modales, created by Krl Echvrry on 04/04/2014.
Krl Echvrry
Mind Map by Krl Echvrry, updated more than 1 year ago
Krl Echvrry
Created by Krl Echvrry almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Verbos Modales
  1. Indica Poder o Posibilidad
    1. Can
      1. I can speak French Can he be the winner?
    2. Indica Posibilidad en el Futuro
      1. May
        1. I may finish tomorrow
        2. Might
          1. I might lose my job.
        3. Indica "Poca" Posibilidad
          1. Could
            1. Could she help me with my homework?
          2. Auxiliar Tiempo Futuro Voluntad, Determinación o Solicitud INformación
            1. Will
              1. I will call you back Will you take me with you?
              2. Shall
                1. We shall go there the day after tomorrow.
              3. Expresa Obligación o Recomendación
                1. Should
                  1. You should do your home work
                  2. Ought to
                    1. Teresa ought to have known better.
                  3. Obligación, prohibición o necesidad.
                    1. Must. Puede Usarse "have To"
                      1. You must stay here until I come back.
                    2. Expresa requerimientos
                      1. Would
                        1. Would you eat?
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                      Should, Must and Have to
                      Kate Pb
                      Modals Verbs
                      NANA CASAS
                      Modal Verb
                      luis gabriel vit
                      MY KEY VOCABULARY
                      Rosa Belén González
                      Can, Could and May
                      Kate Pb
                      Should, Must and Have to
                      Jose Luis Rugama Olivas
                      Should, Must and Have to
                      Sofia Cifuentes
                      Should, Must and Have to
                      dafne marie jerez cepede
                      Should, Must and Have to
                      concha moreno arroyo