Have vs. have got


idiomas Ingles Mind Map on Have vs. have got, created by ocarop on 05/25/2014.
Mind Map by ocarop, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ocarop over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Have vs. have got
  1. have
    1. possession


      • They have a house
      1. have+ object = action


        • Are you having lunch? Have a drink, a shower, etc.
        1. auxiliary verb for present perfect and perfect forms
          1. obligation


            • do we really have to go?
            1. have + object + past participle


              • you ask or pay another person to do something for you I'm having my bike repaired we're going to have the kitchen repainted next week Where do you have your hair cut?
            2. have got
              1. possesion (= have)
                1. NOT "had got"
                  1. have got to (obligation)


                    • Used to specific obligation I have to wear a suit to work vs. I0ve to make a phone call
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