The basic functions of an operating system are:


Mind Map on The basic functions of an operating system are:, created by stopops360 on 03/11/2014.
Mind Map by stopops360, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stopops360 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The basic functions of an operating system are:
  1. Booting the computer.
    1. Provides file management which refers to the way that the operating system manipulates, stores, retrieves and saves data.
      1. Performs basic computer tasks. E.g. managing the various peripheral devices. E.g. mouse, keyboard.
        1. Provides a user interface, e.g. command line, graphical user interface (GUI).
          1. Handles system resources such as computer's memory and sharing of the central processing unit (CPU) time by various applications or peripheral devices.
            1. What is an operating system?
              1. An operating system is a low-level software that supports a computer's basic functions.
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