Rights and Freedoms


Mind Map on Rights and Freedoms, created by alisher.alimbeto on 14/11/2013.
Mind Map by alisher.alimbeto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alisher.alimbeto over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rights and Freedoms
  1. Rights


    • Rights are entitlements to perform (or not to) certain actions, or to be(or not to) in certain states, or entitlements that others (not) perform certain actions or be (not be) in certain states
    1. Public
      1. Personal


        • Personal Rights protect the individual from the State and other individuals. "Protective Rights"
        1. Personal inviolability, Material and Spiritual Entity of the Inidivudal


          • - The physical integrity of the individual shall not be violated except under medical necessity and in cases prescribed by the law. - Right to life, Personal Freedom,
          1. Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour
            1. Personal Liberty and Security
              1. Right to respect Private and Family Life
                1. Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion
                  1. Freedom of Assembly and Association
                    1. Property Rights
                      1. Access To Justice
                      2. Social and Economic
                        1. Right to Work
                          1. Right to Education
                            1. Right to Social Security
                              1. Right to an adequate standard of living
                                1. Right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
                                2. Political
                                  1. Right to Life
                                    1. Right to freedom from torture
                                      1. Right to Effective Remedy
                                        1. Right to vote, to be elected and engage in political activity
                                          1. Duty to Pay Taxes
                                        2. Private
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