

Mind Map on Personality, created by gina.wierzbicki on 14/10/2015.
Mind Map by gina.wierzbicki, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina.wierzbicki over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Psychoanalytic
    1. Sigmund Freud
      1. Unconscious
        1. Free Association
          1. Personality Structure
            1. Id- pleasure principle
              1. Ego- reality principle
                1. Superego-ideal/moral principle
          2. Personality Development
            1. Psychosexual Stages
              1. Oral (0-18 months)
                1. anal (18-36 months)
                  1. phallic (3-6 yrs)
                    1. latency (6-puberty)
                      1. genital (puberty on)
                      2. oedipius complex (electra)
                        1. identification
                  2. Fixate
                    1. Defense Mechanisms
                      1. Repression
                        1. Regression
                          1. reaction formation
                            1. projection
                              1. denial
                                1. displacement
                                  1. rationalization
                                    1. sublimation
                    2. Neo Freudians
                      1. Carl Jung
                        1. Archetypes
                          1. collective unconscious
                          2. Social not sexual
                            1. Alfred Adler
                              1. superiority
                                1. compensation
                                2. Karen Horney
                                  1. No "penis-envy"
                            2. Criticism
                              1. underestimated peer influence
                                1. Life long development
                                  1. earlier gender roles than phallic stage
                                    1. repression a myth?
                                      1. unconscious not just passions and desires
                                        1. fails to predit
                              2. Projective Tests-inner dynamics
                                1. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
                                  1. Rorschach Inkblot Test
                                2. Trait
                                  1. Gordon Allport
                                    1. Concerned less with explaining and more with DESCRIBING
                                    2. Kathleen Briggs & Isabel Myers
                                      1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
                                      2. Hans & Sybil Eysenck
                                        1. Eysenck Personality Questionaire
                                          1. Extraversion/Introversion and Stability/Instability
                                        2. Personality Inventories
                                          1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
                                            1. Hathaway
                                          2. The Big Five (CANOE)
                                            1. Conscientious
                                              1. Openness
                                                1. Neuroticism
                                                  1. Agreeableness
                                                    1. Extraversion
                                                    2. Person-Situation Controversy
                                                      1. outgoingness, happiness, carelessness are predictable throughout situations
                                                    3. Humanistic
                                                      1. studied healthy people through their own experiences and feelings
                                                        1. Abraham Maslow
                                                          1. Hierarchy of Needs
                                                            1. *SELF ACTUALIZATION*
                                                              1. Self-esteem
                                                                1. Love
                                                                  1. Safety
                                                                    1. Physiological
                                                          2. Carl Rodgers
                                                            1. 3 conditions for growth
                                                              1. genuineness
                                                                1. acceptance
                                                                  1. empathy
                                                                  2. Unconditional Positive Regard
                                                                    1. Self concept
                                                                      1. ideal vs actual self
                                                                    2. Questionaires
                                                                      1. Criticism
                                                                        1. Subjective
                                                                          1. leads to self-indulgance and selfishness
                                                                            1. fails to appreciate the human capacity of evil; naive
                                                                          2. Social-Cognitive
                                                                            1. Albert Bandura
                                                                              1. Reciprical determinism
                                                                                1. Environment
                                                                                  1. Internal Cognition
                                                                                    1. Behavior
                                                                                  2. Personal Control
                                                                                    1. Internal/external locus of control
                                                                                    2. Learned Helplessness
                                                                                      1. Optimism
                                                                                        1. Pessimism
                                                                                        2. observe behavior in realistic situations
                                                                                          1. past behavior
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