The National and Global Economy 1.1


The national and global economy year 10, 11
Mind Map by p.mcilmurray, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by p.mcilmurray over 8 years ago
Copied by p.mcilmurray over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The National and Global Economy 1.1
  1. International Trade
    1. exports from the UK
          1. Imports to the UK
            1. Labour
              1. Technology
                1. Cars
                  1. Importance of Trade
                      1. Exchange Rates
                        1. Effects on Imports
                          1. Strong £ =
                            1. Weak £ =
                            2. Effect on Xports
                              1. Strong £ = Expensive
                                1. Weak £ =
                              2. Power of the Consumer
                                      1. Globalisation
                                        1. Disadvantages
                                              1. Advantages
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