A2 PE History-Popular recreation in pre-industrial Britain - (1700-1800)


(PE) Mind Map on A2 PE History-Popular recreation in pre-industrial Britain - (1700-1800), created by sophielee0909 on 04/02/2014.
Mind Map by sophielee0909, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophielee0909 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

A2 PE History-Popular recreation in pre-industrial Britain - (1700-1800)
  1. mainly associated with lower class
    1. classes sometimes shared activities e.g cock fighting
      1. sometimes different activities for different classes e.g mob football for lower and real tennis for upper.
        1. sometimes had different roles wothing same activity e.g Athletics-Pedestrianism- lower class runner + upper class sponsor
        2. CHARACTERISTICS of popular recreation & CULTURAL FACTORS influencing development
          1. WAGERING- Chance to go from rags to riches/ for gentry to show off
            1. NATURAL/SIMPLE- Lack of- technology, purpose-built facilities & money
              1. LOCAL-Limited transport & communications
                1. SIMPLE, UNWRITTEN RULES- illiteracy, no NGBs, only played locally
                  1. CRUEL/VIOLENT- Reflecting harshness of 18thC rural life
                    1. OCCASIONAL- Free time for recreation on holdy days e.g shrove tuesday
                      1. COURTLY/POPULAR- Pre-industrial Britain was predominantly two-class society, based on feudal system.
                        1. RURAL- Before industrial revolution, Britain agricultural
                          1. Occupational- Work often became basis of sport
                          2. EFFECTS ON SKILL & HEALTH
                            1. Bathing & Swimming
                              1. Upper- increase skill & health
                                1. Lower- key function for hygiene reasons
                                2. Athletics
                                  1. Upper- Pedestrianism- required skill & would need & increase physical fitness
                                    1. Lower- Pedestrianism same as upper, rural sports mainly recreational
                                    2. Football
                                      1. Upper- not involved
                                        1. Lower- more force than skill, could be harmful
                                        2. Cricket
                                          1. Upper- Outside & active in summer- skillful & can improve health
                                            1. Lower- Same as upper
                                            2. Real tennis
                                              1. Upper- Skilful, health-enhancing game for the elite
                                                1. Lower- Not available- played recreational hand & ball games
                                              2. PARTICIPATION OPPORTUNITIES
                                                1. Gender
                                                  1. -Upper class women-eiltist-Hawking, -Lower class women-less sophisticated-smock races
                                                    1. Victorian era- new attitudes- physical activity unsuitable,undignified & dangerous
                                                      1. Women constrained by social attitudes + lack of opportunity & provision
                                                      2. Class
                                                        1. Pre-industrial Bitain predominantly two-class society. Upper class dominated.
                                                          1. Middle class emerged form traders & merchants
                                                            1. Upper class had money for facilities, equipment & transport, time to become skilful, societal status- increased self-esteem
                                                          2. Differences in activities by class
                                                            1. UPPER CLASS- sophisticated & expensive, Rule-based, etiquette, linked with patronage/act as agents, distant activities-able to travel
                                                              1. LOWER CLASS- simple,accessible & inexpensive, simple with unwritten rules + often violent/uncivilised, linked with occupation, local- lack of travel.
                                                              2. ROLE & ATTITUDE OF THE CHURCH
                                                                1. Reformation of the church- Puritanism
                                                                  1. Puritans opposed the excess,unruliness,spontaneity,swearing & drinking associated with contemporary recreation.
                                                                    1. believed idleness and playfullness were sinful
                                                                    2. Puritan ethic gave way to work ethic & spread Protestantism,
                                                                    3. 18th-Century peasant life
                                                                      1. life was tough for lower class,sports & pasttimes reflected this harshness
                                                                        1. Pub was central to village lfe & focus for community activities.
                                                                          1. Pubs hosted dog fighting, bare fist fights as well as less barbaric games- billiards, quoits, bowls, skittles
                                                                            1. Landlords provided prizes for sporting matches & equipment for ball games to stimulate interest & boost profit
                                                                              1. sports clubs used pubs as a base, 'Bat & Ball Inn'.
                                                                              2. IMPACT on & LINKS to sport today
                                                                                1. Direct- illegally-staged bare-fist fights, blood sports-dog fighting
                                                                                  1. Enter text here
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