

GCSE Biology Mind Map on B1.1, created by wildhorse898 on 06/03/2014.
Mind Map by wildhorse898, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wildhorse898 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Diet and Metabolic rate
    1. Carbohydrate, fat and protein are used by the body to release energy and to build cells.
      1. Mineral ions and vitamins are needed to keep the body healthy.
        1. Too much saturated fat in your diet can increase your blood cholesterol levels.
          1. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure and heart problems.
        2. If the diet is unbalanced a person can become malnourished.
          1. Carbohydrates = To release energy.
            1. Fats = Keep warm and release energy.
              1. Protein = Growth, Cell repair and cell replacement.
                1. Fibre = Keeps everything running smoothly through the digestive system.
          2. If you exercise, more energy is used by the body. Exercise increases the Metabolic rate, which means that the chemical reactions in cells work faster.
            1. The proportion of muscle to fat in your body and your Inherited factors can also affect your Metabolic rate.
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