The Nervous System


Mind Map on The Nervous System, created by Aimee Johnson on 18/03/2014.
Aimee Johnson
Mind Map by Aimee Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Aimee Johnson
Created by Aimee Johnson about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Nervous System
  1. CNS (Central Nervous System)
    1. The Brain
      1. The spinal cord
        1. The central Nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Receptor nerves transmit information via the spinal cord to the brain.Instruction from the brain are sent via the effector nerves
        2. PNS ( Peripheral Nervous system
          1. SNS ( Somatic Nervous system)
            1. Sensory and motor nerves
              1. Movement
                1. VOLUNTARY
            2. ANS (Autonomic nerves system)
              1. Sympathetic branch
                1. Heart rate increase
                  1. Reduces Stomach activity
                    1. Pupils dilate
                      1. Fight or Flight response
                        1. Glucose Released
                        2. Parasympathetic Branch
                          1. Decreases heart rate
                            1. Increases stomach activitity
                              1. Pupils contract
                                1. Glucose is stored
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