In Paris With You - James Fenton - MindMap


Mind Map on In Paris With You - James Fenton - MindMap, created by English GCSE on 26/03/2014.
English GCSE
Mind Map by English GCSE, updated more than 1 year ago
English GCSE
Created by English GCSE about 10 years ago

Resource summary

In Paris With You - James Fenton - MindMap
  1. Song
    1. Its set out like a song with a refrain - "I'm in Paris with you" - this shows that he doesn't want to think about the past only the present
    2. Half rhymes
      1. The half rhyme of "Elysees" and "Sleazy" emphaseses the contrast - maybe between his two lovers
      2. Colloquial Language
        1. the use of normal language "downed a drink" makes a comic effect on the poetic theme of love in the poem - shows he thinks love is a joke
        2. Teasing
          1. the narrator of the poem is teasing the person he is with by making everything about her body rather than her feelings - emphasises this by saying "am I embaressing you?"
          2. Rhymes
            1. "wounded" and "maroonded" ephasises his pain - maroonded is a made up word - makes it seem like a joke
            2. Metaphors
              1. The hotel room is portayed as sleazy and falling apart "hotel walls are peeling" - metaphor for who he's with
                1. he makes her seem worse by lisiting the bad things and saying "and I'm in paris with you"
              2. Negative
                1. overall there is a negative feeling to the poem - suggests he is really upset about his previous relationship
                2. Sarcastic
                  1. "we" in italics suggests a sarcastic tone - the first mention of someone else isnt serious
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