Natural Moral Law


A Levels Ethics Mind Map on Natural Moral Law, created by 2007hallam on 30/04/2014.
Mind Map by 2007hallam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 2007hallam almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Moral Law
  1. Aristotle
    1. Distinctive nature of human beings is an ability to rationalise
      1. Thus human nature can reach their end purpose through reason
    2. Aquinas
      1. God created the world ex nihilo


        • ex nihilo - from nothing
        1. Inherent design can be led to through human reason
        2. Essentialist Foundation
          1. Essence of humanity is prior to existence, within the Divine Mind
            1. Imago dei (ideal plan for humanity) was in God's mind prior to creation
              1. Thus Natural Law is objective, foundational and God-Given
                1. Exterior acts are good for perception. Interior acts are instrinsicly good in intent
                  1. Efficient causes bring about Good. Final cause is the final purpose


                    • Final cause of sex is children Efficient causes is sexual attraction and intercourse
                  2. Primary Precepts
                    1. Worship of God
                      1. Ordered Society
                        1. Reproduction
                          1. Learning
                            1. Defect the innocent
                            2. Homosexuality, masturbation, contraceptives go against our Natural Primary Precepts and thus are Secondary Precepts
                2. Sin is falling short of God's plan, through misuse of free will
                  1. Natural Cardinal Virtues
                    1. Prudence - Caution
                      1. Temperance - measured lifestyle
                        1. Fortitude - Strength of character
                          1. Justice
                            1. The revealed virtues through Biblical texts and religious experience
                        2. Cicero
                          1. "True law is right reason in Agreement with Nature"
                          2. CRITICISMS
                            1. Casuistic Problems as NML rules out homosexuality which does not lead to procreation, but rules out adultery which can lead to procreation
                              1. Homosexuality is in accordance with nature - over 500 species of animal engage in homosexual behaviour
                                1. Peter Vardy
                                  1. What is the purpose of a mouth? For eating or kissing or both?
                                    1. The need to make assumptions is implicit in Aquinas' entire approach
                                      1. Rests on assumptions
                                        1. There is a purpose


                                          • People believe in purposelessness - Nihilism
                                          1. God exists


                                            • Theism vs Atheism
                                            1. There is uniform human reason


                                              • People's disagreements on the existence of God is proof that human reasoning is not uniform
                                              1. Human beings do not have a uniform nature and moral law may vary over time
                                        2. Kai Neilson
                                          1. From the perspective of science, there is no essential human nature
                                            1. Anthropologists observe Eskimo killings of family members least likely to survive
                                          2. Kevin Kelly
                                            1. Christian ethicist
                                              1. Christian ethics is focused on good acts and the dignity of a human person
                                              2. Morality should be based off human as 'author and director or actions' rather than the concept that acts have values in themselves
                                              3. James Rachels
                                                1. NML is based off a certain world view. The world of Darwin, Newton and Galileo has no room for 'truths' about right or wrong
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