The bhor affect


Mind Map on The bhor affect, created by Benjamin Geers on 13/05/2014.
Benjamin Geers
Mind Map by Benjamin Geers, updated more than 1 year ago
Benjamin Geers
Created by Benjamin Geers almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The bhor affect
  1. What is the Bhor affect?


    • The Bhor affect is the mechanism which causes a high PCO2 to increase the rate of oxygen unloading.
    1. Plasma: carbon dioxide + water
      1. Carbonic acid catalysed by carbonic anhydrase
        1. Carbonic acid--> hydrogen ions and hydrogencarbonate ions
          1. Hydrogen ions + oxyhaemaglobin --> haemoglobinic acid + oxygen
            1. Hydoegen carbonate ions diffuse out of the cell
              1. Chloride shift
        2. Affect on disssociation curves

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