What Cytogenetic studies?


Mind Map on What Cytogenetic studies?, created by teofronzi on 13/05/2014.
Mind Map by teofronzi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by teofronzi almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

What Cytogenetic studies?
  1. Structural chromosomal abnormalities
    1. Balanced
      1. Inversion
        1. Paracentric
          1. Pericentric
            1. Are subdivided into
            2. Translocation
              1. Reciprocal
                1. Robertsonian
                  1. Are subdivided into
                  2. Can be
                  3. Unbalanced
                    1. Deletion
                      1. Terminal
                        1. Interstitial
                          1. Are subdivided into
                          2. Duplication
                            1. Isochromosomes
                              1. Can be
                              2. Are divided into
                              3. Numerical chromosomal changes
                                1. Mixoploidy
                                  1. Mosaicism
                                    1. Chimerism
                                      1. Can be
                                      2. Aneuploidy
                                        1. Trisomy
                                          1. Monossomy
                                            1. Can be
                                            2. Euploidy
                                              1. Triploidy
                                                1. Tetraploidy
                                                  1. Can be
                                                  2. Are divided into
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