Environment and Sustainability


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Mind Map by will.proctor108, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by will.proctor108 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Environment and Sustainability
  1. One way of recycling computers is to donate them to charities to be passed accross the digitial divide.
    1. Charities such as "Computer Aid International" take donated computers, refurbish them and sent them on to the less developed world
      1. Children and adults in less developed countries can benefit from having technology, it can help with their work and education: all to get a job and money.
      2. The digital divide is the divide between who has technology and who doesn't
      3. Environmental Impacts
        1. Electronic devies contain harmful materials that are classed as hazardeous waste.
          1. Recycling hardware reduces green house gases
            1. Print preview to reduce waste paper
              1. Don't leave devies on standby, turn them off.
                1. Satellite navigation systems- save less fuel if lost.
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