P3: sustainable energy


Mind Map on P3: sustainable energy, created by beck27398 on 05/21/2013.
Mind Map by beck27398, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beck27398 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

P3: sustainable energy
    1. power
      1. is the rate of energy transferred
        1. power is measured in:watts, W, killowatts,KW
          1. energy transferred = power X time
          2. kilowatts
            1. energy is meausred in in joules
              1. kwh
                1. energy transferred = power X time
                2. the formular for electricalpower is: power(in W) = voltage(in V) Xcurrent (in A)
                3. SAVING ENERGY
                  1. at home
                    1. double glasin windows
                      1. wall cavity
                        1. loft insulation
                          1. draught-proofing
                            1. thick curtains
                            2. at work
                              1. no printing
                                1. less photocopying
                                  1. turn off the moniters when not being used
                                  2. getting around
                                    1. cycal to near by place
                                      1. walking
                                        1. public transport
                                          1. car-share
                                        2. POWERSTATIONS
                                          1. uses secondary energy
                                            1. 1: energy is released from FULE (by burning in a boiler) and used to generate STEAM
                                              1. 2: the STEAM turns a TURBINE
                                                1. 3: a GENERATOR converts the movement of the turbine ( KINETIC ENERGY) in to ELECTRICITY
                                                  1. NUCLEAR ENERGY
                                                    1. is powered by...
                                                      1. it produces radioactive waste
                                                        1. ADVANTAGES
                                                          1. releases a lot of energy
                                                            1. don't produce CO2
                                                              1. it is cheap
                                                              2. DISADVANTAGES
                                                                1. produces radioactive waste
                                                                  1. can put humans at risk
                                                                    1. hard to dispose of
                                                                      1. IRRADIATION
                                                                        1. when you are near to radiation it is harmful but when you move a way you are not at risk
                                                                        2. CONTAMINATION
                                                                          1. when you are exposed to radiation you are effected by it even if you move away you are still effect you cant get rid of it
                                                                    2. wind energy
                                                                      1. DISADVANTAGES
                                                                        1. it is very loud/noisy
                                                                          1. its cots alot
                                                                            1. the power stops when the wind stops
                                                                            2. ADVANTAGES
                                                                              1. no pollution
                                                                                1. it has a generator in side so the energy comes straight from the world
                                                                              2. WAVE AND TIDAL ENERGY
                                                                                1. the waves power the turbines
                                                                                  1. no pollution
                                                                                    1. when there is no wind there is waves so there will be no energy being transferred
                                                                                      1. it coast a lot
                                                                                        1. they are pretty reliable
                                                                                      2. biofuels
                                                                                        1. made of plant and waste
                                                                                          1. they are renewable energy recourses
                                                                                            1. used to generate electricity in THERMAL POWER STATIONS
                                                                                              1. they are a solid, liquid and gas
                                                                                              2. GEOTHERMAL
                                                                                                1. only possible where HOT ROCKS are
                                                                                                  1. used to drive THERMAL POWER STATIONS
                                                                                                    1. free and renewable
                                                                                                      1. is coast a lot to drill down
                                                                                                      2. hydroelectricity
                                                                                                        1. uses dams to catch rain
                                                                                                          1. rain water is caught in dams and allowed through turbines
                                                                                                            1. the turbines drive the generators
                                                                                                            2. have a big impact on the eviroment
                                                                                                              1. damage to venation and animals habitats
                                                                                                                1. rotting vegetation releases METHANE and CO2
                                                                                                                2. 1: water is stored in reservoir above the turbines using a dam
                                                                                                                  1. 2: GRAVITY causes the water to rush through the turbines
                                                                                                                    1. 3: a generator converts the movement of the turbines (KINETIC ENERGY) in to electricity
                                                                                                                3. generators and national grid
                                                                                                                  1. electromagnetic induction
                                                                                                                    1. 1: you can create a VOLTAGE ad a CURRENT in a conductor by MOVING A MAGNET in or near a COIL WIRE
                                                                                                                    2. the NATIONAL GRID is the NETWORK of pylons and cables that covers the whole of britain
                                                                                                                      1. you need either HIGH VOLTAGE or HIGH CURRENT to transmit a large amount of power
                                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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