Short term Psy Prep 2.


Mind Map on Short term Psy Prep 2., created by JCL on 05/21/2013.
Mind Map by JCL, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JCL over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Short term Psy Prep 2.
  1. Agression V Assertion
    1. Aggression - intent to hurt
      1. strategies to reduce Aggression
        1. punishment of aggressive acts
          1. positive re-inforcement of non-aggressive behaviour
            1. internal control of arousal levels
          2. Assertion - controlled Aggression
            1. Two theories related to Agreession
              1. Instinct Theory
                1. innate biological drive
                2. Social learning theory
                  1. people learn to be agressive by watching others
              2. External influences
                1. home advantage
                  1. 56 -64% of winning
                    1. indoor sports relevant
                      1. proximity effect of crowd close to the action
                    2. Social facilitation
                      1. co-actors / participants
                        1. audience / spectators
                          1. singnificant others
                            1. theories linked
                              1. Ringlemann effect
                                1. increase in performance linked to the number of participants - group size too big performance drops which also links to social loafing
                                2. drive theory - learned behaviours tend to be our dominant responses.
                                  1. Triplett (1898)
                                    1. presence of others leads to increase in performance.
                              2. cope with crowds
                                1. practice selective attention
                                  1. simulated crowd noises
                                    1. imagery
                                      1. well learnt dominant responses
                                      2. relaxation techniques
                                    2. Evaluation apprehension
                                      1. audience judging performer
                                        1. leads to arousal
                                          1. importance of comp.
                                            1. higher the level=higher anxiety from external sources
                                              1. more media
                                                1. higher stakes
                                            2. environmental factors
                                              1. dependant on person in the setting
                                                1. crowd - sign others - coaches
                                              2. STRATEGIES FOR COPING
                                                1. SELF-TALK (Cognitive strategy), help them focus on correct technique.
                                                  1. IMAGERY (Cognitive strategy) - Mental pictures. These pictures may include images of successful past performances, the flowing movements of an elite role model, or escape images where the performer imagines him or herself in a more relaxed place.
                                                    1. CUE UTILISATION (behavioural strategy) Cue utilisation helps develop the performer’s attention level by getting them to concentrate on the cues that are most relevant.
                                                      1. RELAXATION TECHNIQUES (cognitive and somatic strategies),
                                                        1. Self-directed relaxation is where the performer concentrates on each of their muscle groups separately and relaxes them.
                                                          1. Progressive relaxation training is where a performer feels the tension in their muscles and gets rid of this tension by ‘letting go’.
                                                          2. Other techniques include: • visualisation – using mental mages to help create calm and control • yoga • listening to music and/or relaxation tapes • toe-tensing • deep-breathing exercises.
                                                          3. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
                                                            1. depend more on the people in that setting. These include the crowd, other competitors (including teammates and opponents), coaches, and in elite sport the media in its various forms.
                                                              1. novice performers perform best in low-arousal environments.
                                                              2. If the crowd is noisy and aggressive, then the performer may feel more anxious and may also become more aggressive themselves. The proximity of the crowd can also influence performance – if the crowd is very close to the court or pitch, the performer may feel threatened, which may cause their level of anxiety to increase.
                                                                1. The climatic conditions can also affect performance. Again, the better the performer, the more effective they will be at dealing with adverse conditions.
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