Transport in Flowering Plants


GCE O'level Ordinary Biology (II. MAINTENANCE AND REGULATION OF LIFE PROCESSES) Mind Map on Transport in Flowering Plants, created by Mactavish on 06/21/2014.
Mind Map by Mactavish, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mactavish over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Transport in Flowering Plants
  1. root hairs
    1. transpiration
      1. Loss of water vapour from a plant, mainly through the stomata of the leaves
        1. Factors affecting rate
          1. measuring the rate of water loss
            1. Why?
              1. Draws water and mineral salts from the roots to the stem and leaves
                1. Water can be transported to the leaves for photosynthesis and replace water lost by the cells. Turgid cells keep the leaves wide and spread out to trp sunlight for photosynthesis
              2. transpiration pull
                1. wilting
                  1. Advantages
                    1. Disadvantages
                    2. translocation
                      1. Xylem
                        1. Function
                          1. Conducts water and dissolved mineral salts from the roots to the stems and leaves
                            1. Provides mechanical support for the plant
                            2. Adaptation
                              1. Has an empty lumen with no protoplasm to reduce resistance to water flow
                                1. Walls thickened with lignin to prevent collapse of vessel
                              2. Phloem
                                1. Function
                                  1. Conducts manufactured foods from the green part of the plant to other parts of the plant
                                  2. Adaptation
                                    1. Has companion vessels with many mitochondria-Provides energy for companion cells to load sugars from mesophyll cells into sieve tubes by Active Transport
                                      1. Holes in sieve tubes to allow rapid flow of manufactured food substances
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