Coordination and Response


GCE O'level Ordinary Biology (II. MAINTENANCE AND REGULATION OF LIFE PROCESSES) Mind Map on Coordination and Response, created by Mactavish on 06/23/2014.
Mind Map by Mactavish, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mactavish over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Coordination and Response
  1. The Eye
    1. Pupil reflex
      1. Bright Light
        1. Dim Light
        2. Focusing
        3. Neurones
          1. Sensory
            1. Relay
              1. Motor
              2. Hormones
                1. chemical substance, produced by a gland, carried by the blood, which alters the activity of one or more specific target organs and is then destroyed by the liver
                  1. Endocrine gland
                    1. Regulation of blood glucose
                      1. Insulin
                        1. Secreted when blood glucose conc is to high
                          1. IL of pancreas secretes more insulin causing liver to convert glucose into glycogen and increase the uptake of glucose in cells
                            1. This thus cause blood glucose conc to drop back to normal
                            2. Glucagon
                              1. Secreted when blood glucose conc is very low
                                1. IL of pancreas secretes more glucagon, which causes liver to convert glycogen into Glucose
                                  1. This cause blood glucose conc to rise back to normal level
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