Prenatal Screening Tests


Mind Map on Prenatal Screening Tests, created by parker.penelope on 06/23/2014.
Mind Map by parker.penelope, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by parker.penelope over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Prenatal Screening Tests
  1. First trimester
    1. PAPP-A, beta-hcg, nuchal translucency
    2. Second trimester
      1. Triple: MSAFP, estradiol, hCG
        1. Quad: +inhibin
      2. integrated Screening
        1. Down Syndrome
          1. First trimester
            1. NT measurement 64-70%
              1. NT + PAPP-A + hcg = 82-87%
              2. Second trimester
                1. Triple 69%
                  1. Quad: 81%
                  2. Integrated
                    1. Integrated (NT, PAPP-A, quad): 94-96%
                      1. Serum integrated: (PAPP-A, quad): 85-88%
                        1. Contingent sequential: 88-94%
                          1. Stepwise sequential: 95%
                        2. Invasive diagnositc testing
                          1. Traditional amniocentesis (15-20w)
                            1. Chorionic Villus sampling (10-13%)
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