Tertiary Activities in the BMW


Mind Map on Tertiary Activities in the BMW, created by swallace1 on 05/24/2013.
Mind Map by swallace1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by swallace1 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Tertiary Activities in the BMW
  1. Transport
    1. Underdeveloped
      1. Few national primary roads - best roads M1 and N5
        1. Few rail services - mountainous region
          1. Underdeveloped ports - cannot take containers ships
            1. No international passenger services
            2. Expensive to provide public transport to few people
              1. Most people rely on private cars
            3. Tourism
              1. Only 830,00 out 5.5. million tourists to Ireland visit BMW
                1. Seasonal
                  1. Very scenic and several walking routes
                    1. Croagh Patrick
                      1. Surfing in Bundoran
                      2. Lack of access
                        1. Expensive to rent a car
                          1. Most people arrive at Dublin airport - no longer a stopover at Shannon Airport
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