components of fitness


GCSE P.E Mind Map on components of fitness, created by esmewood on 07/13/2014.
Mind Map by esmewood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by esmewood over 10 years ago

Resource summary

components of fitness
    1. power
      1. combination of speed & strength
        1. fitness test - verticle jump
          1. sport - high jump
          2. co - ordination
            1. able to move more than one body part at the same time
              1. fitness test - tennis ball
                1. sport - tennis
                2. balance
                  1. ability to control body's position either stationary or moving
                    1. fitness test - standing stork
                      1. sport - gymnastic beam
                      2. agility
                        1. ability to change direction quickly & accuratly
                          1. fitness test - illinois agility test
                            1. sport - basketball
                            2. reaction time
                              1. time it takes for you to respond to a stimulus
                                1. fitness test - ruler drop
                                  1. sport - swimming start when on blocks
                                  2. speed
                                    1. ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time
                                      1. fitness test - 35m sprint
                                        1. sport - 100m sprint
                                      2. HEALTH RELATED
                                        1. Cardiovascular fitness
                                          1. allows for efficent export of oxygen to the working parts of the body
                                            1. fitness test - 12 min cooper run
                                              1. sport - long distance runner
                                              2. Muscular Endurance
                                                1. ability to work the muscles for a long period of time without tiring
                                                  1. fitness test - sit ups
                                                    1. sport - rowing
                                                    2. Muscular Strength
                                                      1. muscles ability to apply force & overcome a resistence
                                                        1. sport - rugby
                                                          1. fitness test - hand grip dynamometer
                                                          2. Flexibility
                                                            1. ability of the joint to move through its full range
                                                              1. fitness test - sit & reach
                                                                1. sport - gymnastics splits
                                                                2. Body Composition
                                                                  1. ratio of bone, muscle, tissue and fat that makes up the body
                                                                    1. fitness test - BMI or skinfold
                                                                      1. sport - boxing
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                                                                    Methods Of Training
                                                                    Muscular and Skeletal Systems
                                                                    U wot m8
                                                                    Schema theory
                                                                    Josh Horn
                                                                    Short-term technical preparation
                                                                    Short-term physiological
                                                                    Short-term psychological
                                                                    P.E Revision
                                                                    Wesley Spearman
                                                                    PE definitions
                                                                    Physical education
                                                                    Kirstie Williams