Alexander Hamilton, Political Parties Born


Question: Describe Alexander Hamilton’s role and accomplishments in the new constitutional government. How did the government divide into the Federalists and Republican parties?
Erin Harrison
Mind Map by Erin Harrison, updated more than 1 year ago
Erin Harrison
Created by Erin Harrison over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Alexander Hamilton, Political Parties Born
  1. Alexander Hamilton
    1. Congress' first real act - two tariffs on foreign vessels and foreign imports to fix debt issue and encourage domestic production
      1. first major difference of opinion was on how to fix the debt - fell on Alexander Hamilton's shoulders
        1. felt that people were motivated by self-interest and would do well with a financial stake in the government
          1. plan: issue bonds payable at a future date, establish a National Bank, establish another alcohol tax and import tax
            1. many farmers hated the National Bank and alcohol tax and felt it favored industry - the Whiskey Rebellion was squashed in 1794 by Hamilton himself
              1. though George Washington supported Hamilton, he had made enemies out of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who led a group in Congress that opposed him
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