Their opposing opinions forms a solid
wall between these two that neither of
them are willing to break down
Even though they are
uncle and niece they treat
each other as King and
Antigone and Ismene
Though they may have been close in the beginning,
Ismene cuts their bonds by not agreeing to bury the
body with Antigone
All family members
As the family has angered
the gods for generations on
end, all of them are destined
to be seperated
Their seperation causes all family members
to bear the pain although none of them really
do much to change it
Sisterly Bonds
Antigone and Ismene
Antigone and Ismene share a very close
sisterly bond by which Anitgone trusts Ismene
to help her bury the body, however Ismene
does not agree to her ideas
Ismene loves Antigone beyond
words can describe however she
is more afraid of the price of
rebellion than her sister's love
Antigone and her Brothers
Antigone is willing to
risk her own life to
honour her brother
She rebels against Creon
and law in deep respect for
her brother
Antigone and the Gods
Antigone believes the gods wish both
Polynices and Eteocles to be buried in
equal honour
She believes the gods hold greater power
than Creon and so respect them much more
so than Creon, a mortal being
As king of Athens and Thebes,
Creon holds the greater majority of
Creon uses this power
with good intentions
however his decisions
seem to always lead to
the minor effect
In all greek theatre, the gods hold the utmost power as they are of
the highest status, being the great unwritten, unshakable traditions
Their immotality grants them power over
all and have the most respect from others
This especially effects Antigone as she holds absolute
respect for them and her respect causes her to solely oppose
Creon vs Antigone
As Creon is king and Antigone a
princess, they are both of
extremely high status
Both their statuses grant them the ability to cause the
most change within Thebes and as they are the ultimate
opposing forces, they throw the kingdom out of balance