Our Teeth


Science Mind Map on Our Teeth, created by Guna Seelan on 07/19/2014.
Guna Seelan
Mind Map by Guna Seelan, updated more than 1 year ago
Guna Seelan
Created by Guna Seelan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Our Teeth
  1. Functions
    1. Bite and Chew Food
      1. Speak Clearly
        1. Shape to face
        2. Types
          1. Temporary (Milk)
            1. 7 - 8 Years
              1. 20in number
              2. Permanent
                1. 32 in number
              3. Kinds
                1. Incisors
                  1. Front 4
                    1. Bite Food
                    2. Canine
                      1. tearing teeth
                        1. tearing food
                          1. one on each side of incisors
                          2. Premolars
                            1. Broad shaped
                              1. 4in each jaw
                                1. Cracking and Crushing food
                                2. Molars
                                  1. 6 in each jaw
                                    1. broad and flat
                                      1. grind and chew food
                                        1. last molars also called wisdom teeth
                                      2. Firmly anchored in upper and lower jaw
                                        1. Structure
                                          1. Crown
                                            1. Above Gum
                                            2. Root
                                              1. Below Gum
                                            3. 3 Main Layers
                                              1. Enamel
                                                1. Outermost layer
                                                  1. hardest substance in body
                                                    1. resists wear and tear of inner parts
                                                      1. forms the crown
                                                      2. Dentine
                                                        1. Below Enamel
                                                          1. protects pulp
                                                          2. Pulp
                                                            1. innermost
                                                              1. contains nerves and blood vessels
                                                            2. Gums
                                                              1. pink
                                                                1. hold teeth in place
                                                                  1. unhealthy gums
                                                                    1. bleeding and pain
                                                                      1. fall of teeth
                                                                    2. Care
                                                                      1. brush properly
                                                                        1. soft brush
                                                                          1. circular motion
                                                                            1. one tooth at a time
                                                                              1. don't press hard
                                                                                1. clean tounge
                                                                                  1. change brush every 3 months
                                                                                  2. twice daily
                                                                                    1. rince after meal
                                                                                      1. food particles in gap
                                                                                        1. germs
                                                                                          1. plaque
                                                                                            1. sticky layer
                                                                                              1. harmful
                                                                                              2. produce acid
                                                                                                1. hole in teeth
                                                                                                  1. cavity
                                                                                              3. decay
                                                                                                1. caused by eating sweets
                                                                                                  1. bad breath
                                                                                                    1. cavity
                                                                                                      1. toothache
                                                                                                        1. bleeding gums
                                                                                                          1. indigestion
                                                                                                        2. Dentist
                                                                                                          1. floss
                                                                                                            1. silk thread
                                                                                                              1. clean between teeth
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