Human Lifespan Development Theories (by Natasha 822278)


Mind Map on Human Lifespan Development Theories (by Natasha 822278), created by Shasha Aziz on 17/10/2017.
Shasha Aziz
Mind Map by Shasha Aziz, updated more than 1 year ago
Shasha Aziz
Created by Shasha Aziz over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Human Lifespan Development Theories (by Natasha 822278)
    1. Maturational Theory
      1. Arnold Gesell
        1. Behvaioral Maturation
          1. Physically Maturation
        2. Ethological Theory
          1. Konrad Lorenz
            1. Imprinting
            2. John Wolby
              1. Theory of Attachment
                1. Emotional relationship with caregiver
            1. Urie Brofenbrenner
              1. Ecological System Theory
                1. Microsystem
                  1. direct contact (parents, family, friends, classmates)
                  2. Mesosystem
                    1. child is neglected by his parents, he may have a low chance of developing positive attitude towards his teachers
                    2. Exosystem
                      1. between the context where in the person does not have any active role, and the context where in is actively participating (eg:child attach to father more than mother)
                      2. Macrosystem
                        1. cultural contexts involve the socioeconomic status of the person and/or his family (born to a poor family makes a person work harder every day)
                        2. Chronosystem
                          1. transitions and shifts in one's lifespan (divorce- affect relationship and the child behavior)
                    3. LEARNING PERSPEPCTIVE
                      1. Behaviorism
                        1. Pavlov
                          1. Classical Conditioning
                          2. Skinner
                            1. Operant Conditioning
                          3. Social Cognitive Theory
                            1. Albert Bandura
                              1. Observational Learning
                                1. Self-efficacy
                            2. COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE
                              1. Cognitive Stage Theory
                                1. Jean Piaget
                                  1. Sensorimotor (0-2)
                                    1. Praoperational (2-7)
                                      1. Concrete Operational (7-11)
                                        1. Formal Operational (12+
                                      2. Social Cognitive Theory
                                        1. Lev Vygotsky
                                        2. Information Processing Theory
                                        3. PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSEPCTIVE
                                          1. Psychosocial Theory
                                            1. Erik Erikson
                                              1. Trust vs Mistrust (INFANT)
                                                1. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (TODDLER)
                                                  1. Initiative vs Guilt (PRESCHOOL)
                                                    1. Industry vs Inferiority (MIDDLE SCHOOL)
                                                      1. Ego Identity vs Role Confusion (ADOLESCENCE)
                                                        1. Intimacy vs Isolation (YOUNG ADULT)
                                                          1. Genrativity vs Stagnation (ADULTHOOD)
                                                            1. Ego Integrity vs Despair (MATURITY)
                                                          2. Psychodynamic & Psychosexual Theory
                                                            1. Sigmund Freud
                                                              1. Oral (0-1)
                                                                1. Anal (1-3)
                                                                  1. Phallic (3-6)
                                                                    1. Latent (6-12)
                                                                      1. Genital (12+)
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