Sanitation and Safety


Mapa mental del 16 al 24
Carlos Felipe García Triana
Mind Map by Carlos Felipe García Triana, updated more than 1 year ago
Carlos Felipe García Triana
Created by Carlos Felipe García Triana over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Sanitation and Safety
  1. Food Hazards
    1. 1. Biological hazards 2. Chemical hazards 3. Physical hazards 4. Allergens
    2. Pathogens
      1. 1. Bacteria 2. Viruses 3. Fungi 4.Parasites
      2. Bacteria
        1. 1. Harmless bacteria.
          1. 2. Beneficial bacteria.
            1. 3. Undesirable bacteria.
              1. 4. Disease-causing bacteria, or pathogens.
                1. Bacterial growth
                  1. Food
                    1. The best protection against bacteria is temperature and good food handling.
                      1. To prevent them from growing: Temperatures below 5 ºC or above 57 ºC as these kill the bacteria
                        1. To avoid killing them: it is subjected to a temperature of 77 ° C for 30 seconds.
                      2. Moisture.
                        1. Temperature.
                          1. Acidity or alkalinity.
                            1. Oxygen.
                              1. Time.
                                1. Under ideal conditions for growth bacteria can double in number every 15 or 30 minutes.
                            2. Parasites
                              1. They are organisms that survive inside another organism, this organism is called host. Human parasites are usually very small and can be killed by cooking properly or freezing.
                              2. Viruses
                                1. Viruses are smaller than bacteria, can not reproduce or multiply unless they are inside a living cell, but can be transported on any surface and survive days or even months. Viral diseases transmitted by food are caused by contamination of people or in the case of seafood by contaminated water
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