Relative Clauses


Relative clauses mind map
lorena soria
Mind Map by lorena soria, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Margarita Beatriz Vicente Aparicio
Created by Margarita Beatriz Vicente Aparicio about 8 years ago
Copied by SUSANA CHIRLAQUE MARTINEZ over 6 years ago
Copied by SUSANA CHIRLAQUE MARTINEZ over 6 years ago
lorena soria
Copied by lorena soria over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Relative Clauses
  1. Defining (identifying)
    1. We CAN'T omit the relative clause
      1. It's the job which I would like to have
        1. It's the job
        2. NO commas
          1. Relative pronoun + preposition
            1. M Barry is the man to whom I sent the letter (Formal)
              1. M Barry is the man I sent the letter to (Standard)
              2. We can omit the relative pronoun when it refers to the Direct Object
                1. She's the woman who I saw.
                  1. She's the woman I saw
                  2. Relative pronouns
                    1. SUBJECT
                      1. People (who/that): She's the woman who (that) reads the news on TV
                        1. Animals and things (which/that): That's the kind of dog which (that) makes a good pet
                        2. OBJECT
                          1. People (who/that): She's the woman who I saw on TV
                            1. to/ for/ whith whom: to whom it may concern...
                            2. Animals and things (which/that): This is the house which we live in
                            3. POSSESSION
                              1. People, animals and things (whose): She's the woman whose car was stolen
                            4. They provide information which is essential to identify the noun described
                            5. Non defining (non-identifying)
                              1. They give extra information, so we CAN omit the relative clause
                                1. Jane, who I bought my car, has gone to the States
                                  1. Jane has gone to the States
                                  2. We can't omit the relative pronoun
                                    1. The summer here, which I don't like, lasts for months
                                      1. The summer here, I don't like, lasts for months
                                      2. We use COMMAS
                                        1. Relative Pronouns
                                          1. SUBJECT
                                            1. Person (who): His wife, who is French, speaks 3 languages
                                              1. Animals/Things (which): The PCs, which have been on sales, proved to be fantastic
                                              2. OBJECT
                                                1. Person (who/whom): His wife, who I met in Paris, is brilliant
                                                  1. Animals/things (which): The book, which I finished yesterday, is ok
                                                  2. POSSESSION
                                                    1. Person/Animals/Things (whose): His wife, whose car was stolen, is very nice
                                                  3. They provide information that is NOT essential to identify the noun described
                                                  4. relative adverbs
                                                    1. time
                                                      1. Adverb: That was the year WHEN I graduated
                                                      2. place
                                                        1. Adverb: That's the factory WHERE I work
                                                        2. reason
                                                          1. Adverb: I'll tell you the reason WHY you were fired
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