Gay Rights


Mind Map on Gay Rights, created by shannon.farrell on 08/11/2014.
Mind Map by shannon.farrell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shannon.farrell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Gay Rights
  1. Leaders
    1. Harry Hay Born: April 7, 1912 Died: October 24, 2002. America
      1. Founder of the Mattachine Society
      2. Harvey Milk Born: may 22, 1930 Died: November 27, 1978 America
        1. First openly gay official on the San Fransico Board of Superivsors
        2. Bob Brown Born: December 27, 1944 Australia
          1. Former leader of the Austlian Greens party. In Ofiice 28th of november 2005 till 13th of April 2012
          2. Jeanne Manford Born: December 4, 1920 Died: January 8 2013. American
            1. Founder of PFlag on June 25 , 1972. First formal meeting was march 26, 1973
            2. Penny Wong Bron: Novermber 5, 1968. Austrlia.
              1. First sitting member of the Austrlian Labor Party to come out while still in Parliament
              2. Johanna Siguroardottir Born: October 4, 1942. Ice land
                1. The worlds first openly lesbian head of government on 1 Feburay, 2009. in office Feburay 1, 2009 - May 23, 2013
              3. Actions
                1. Political
                  1. Don't Ask Don't Tell (1993)
                    1. Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed (2010)
                    2. DOMA
                      1. DOMA ruled as Unconstitutional (2011 - 2013)
                      2. Prop 8
                        1. August 4, 2010 Prop 8 over ruled
                      3. Social
                        1. Films / Documentaries
                          1. United in Anger: A History of ACT UP (2012)
                            1. Milk (2008)
                              1. Gay + (Positive) (2014)
                                1. Prays for Bobby (2009)
                                  1. Philadelphia (1993)
                                    1. Dallas Buyers Club (2014)
                                    2. Homosexuality is removed from the classification of diseases (1992)
                                      1. Homosexuality is removed from from metal disorders classification (1973)
                                    3. Causes / Effects
                                      1. Police raid the Stonewall Inn
                                        1. The Stonewall Riots
                                          1. First Gay Pride Parades (June 27 - 28, 1970)
                                            1. PFlag (June 25, 1972)
                                        2. Murder of Matthew Shepard (October 6, 1998)
                                          1. Hate crimes Prevention act (October 28, 2009)
                                          2. The AIDS Crisis
                                            1. ACT UP
                                              1. Uinted in Anger: A History of ACT UP
                                              2. Gay Men Banned from Donating Blood (1977)
                                                1. National Gay Blood Drive (July 11, 2014)
                                              3. Don't Ask Don't Tell (1993)
                                                1. Allows closted members to serve. Prohibits openly gay members to serve.
                                                  1. Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed 2010
                                                2. DOMA 1996
                                                  1. Denies Federal recognition of same-sex marraiges
                                                    1. June 26, 2013 DOMA ruled Unconstitutional
                                                  2. Proposition 8 (2008)
                                                    1. Same- sex Marriage voted illegal in California
                                                      1. August 4, 2010 Porp8 ruled unconstitutional
                                                  3. Movements/ Moments
                                                    1. JUNE 28, 1969 - The Stonewall Riots
                                                      1. June 27 - 28, 1970 - first gay pride parades
                                                        1. June 25, 1972 PFlag formed
                                                        2. 1981: The AIDS Crisis
                                                          1. March 1987 Act Up formed
                                                          2. Australia's first Mardi Gras Saturday June 24, 1978
                                                            1. 1993: Don't Ask Don't Tell
                                                              1. Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed 2010
                                                              2. 1996: DOMA
                                                                1. June 26, 2013 DOMA ruled Unconstitutional
                                                                2. 2000: vermont first state to allow same sex- civil unions
                                                                  1. 2008: Prop 8
                                                                    1. August 4, 2010 prop 8 ruled Unconstitutional
                                                                    2. July 11 2014 National Gay Blood Drive
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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