Chapter:2.2 Living withe the physical enviroment


Mind Map on Chapter:2.2 Living withe the physical enviroment, created by Zaynab Sadur on 15/12/2017.
Zaynab Sadur
Mind Map by Zaynab Sadur, updated more than 1 year ago
Zaynab Sadur
Created by Zaynab Sadur over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter:2.2 Living withe the physical enviroment
  1. How do plates move at constructive margins?
    1. Constructive plate margins occur when tectonic plates move
      1. They move a few cm a year
        1. Over time this meant that whole continents have moved
      2. Conctructive plate margin
        1. Why are Earthquakes and Volcanoes found at Constructive Plate Margins?
          1. 1) At Constructive PLate margins, the upper part of the mantle melts and the hot molten magma rises
            1. 2) As the tectonic plates move away from eachother by slab pull, magma rises. This forms part of the oceanic plate. The new plate sometimes fractures which causes Earthquakes.
              1. 3) Lots of thye magma never reaches the surface but it is able to push up the crustat constructive plate margins. In some places the magma erupts to the surfacem, producing lava that is very rinny. :))))))))
          2. I LOVE YOU ALL <33<33<33
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