Problems To Solve


Mind Map by juanselupa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by juanselupa over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Problems To Solve
  1. Working Tools
    1. Thee is no space for keeping all the working tools
      1. The tools are damaging
        1. There is no tan object for taking out working tools to work.
        2. Pets Stuff
          1. Pets are sleeping uncomfortable
            1. The pets are getting sick due to the weather (cold)
              1. feeding bowls damage very easily.
                1. There is no space for accessories and toys
                  1. Owners have lost their pets because the harnesses broke easily
                  2. Baby Stuff
                    1. There is no a place for drawing or playing.
                      1. There are too many clothes for the baby and at the same time there are to many dirty clothes
                        1. Food and milk is damaging and wasting, because there is no space to maintain it.
                          1. There are too many hygiene things for the babies, there is no space for keeping them.
                          2. Packaging Food
                            1. There is many food and it is damaging
                              1. She does not have any object for packaging her lunch
                                1. When people goes to the market, they buy to many things so they can not take all the shopping bags to their homes.
                                2. Material Disorganisation
                                  1. There are many materials like pencil, pens, colours, etc. and there is no space for keeping it.
                                    1. There Are too many sheets of paper
                                      1. There are different sheets of paper of different sizes.
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