Structuralist analyses of literature


Mind Map on Structuralist analyses of literature, created by Leandro Osorio A on 08/27/2014.
Leandro Osorio A
Mind Map by Leandro Osorio A, updated more than 1 year ago
Leandro Osorio A
Created by Leandro Osorio A over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Structuralist analyses of literature
  1. Narratology
    1. Examines inner "workings" of literary text so to discover fundamental structural units that govern narrative operations.
      1. units of narrative progress
        1. units of character function
        2. Tzvetan Todorov
          1. Analogy: structural units of narrative = structural units of language
            1. "Grammar" of narratory
              1. character's attributes
                1. states
                  1. qualities
                    1. conditions
                    2. character's actions = verbs
                      1. character = proper noun
                        1. propositions = sentences
                          1. Character + irreductible action = proposition
                          2. sequences = paragraphs
                            1. Attribution + action + attribution
                          3. categories of system
                            1. Negation
                              1. Modes
                                1. Comparison
                            2. Gérard Genette
                              1. Narrative
                                1. Narrative: actual words, discourse
                                  1. Narration: the act of telling the story to an audience
                                    1. Story: succession of events as they happend.
                                    2. Tense
                                      1. Order
                                        1. Duration
                                          1. Frequency
                                          2. Mood
                                            1. Distance
                                              1. Perspective
                                              2. Voice
                                            2. A. J. Greimas
                                              1. Humans perceive every entity as having two aspects
                                                1. Binary oppotition
                                                  1. Plot formula
                                                    1. Characters (surface Phenomena)
                                                      1. Actants (character functions)
                                                      2. Forwarding the plot
                                                        1. Subject - object
                                                          1. Helper - opponent
                                                            1. Sender - receiver
                                                            2. Structure of narrative sequence
                                                            3. The fundamental structure of narrative = the fundamental structure of language: S + V + O
                                                            4. Negation
                                                              1. Opposite
                                                            5. Literary interpretation
                                                              1. Jonathan Culler
                                                                1. Major components of literary interpretation
                                                                  1. Convention of distance and impersonality
                                                                    1. Naturalization
                                                                      1. The rule of significance
                                                                        1. The rule of metaphorical coherence
                                                                          1. Thematic unity
                                                                            1. binary opposition
                                                                              1. displacement of binary opposition
                                                                                1. resolution of binary opposition
                                                                            2. The structure of literature is actually the structure of the system of interpretation.
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