Soweto Uprising


Matric History (Apartheid (1970/80s)) Mind Map on Soweto Uprising, created by field.sophie on 09/02/2014.
Mind Map by field.sophie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by field.sophie over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Soweto Uprising
  1. End of quite peaceful period
    1. Influenced by BC
      1. Involved & planned by youth
        1. Play major part in BC
          1. First time
            1. South African Students' Movement
              1. Spread BC ideas
            2. Against being forced to accept another culture's language
              1. SASO strong in schools
                1. Debating/discussion clubs
                  1. Encouraged youth to fight for rights
                  2. Never before seen black passion & strength
                    1. Had been protests before
                      1. Didn't last as long
                        1. Not as determined
                      2. June 16 1976
                        1. Black student uprising
                          1. Protest against Afrikaans as black medium of education
                            1. Instated 1975
                              1. Part of Bantu Education System
                                1. Inferior black schools
                                  1. Few teachers/resources/classrooms, limited cirriculum
                                    1. Only prepared blacks for unskilled work
                              2. Soweto
                                1. Overcrowding, poor facilities, no political representation
                                2. Students met by large police group
                                  1. Ordered them to leave
                                    1. Students refused
                                      1. Police used tear gass
                                        1. Students threw stones
                                          1. Police shot students
                                            1. No negotiation/warning
                                              1. Many shot in back running away
                                    2. Hector Pieterson
                                      1. 13yr old black boy
                                        1. Shot dead
                                          1. Famous photos of body being carried
                                            1. Shocked world
                                              1. Caused condemnation of SA gov
                                          2. Created wave of violence
                                            1. Across SA
                                              1. 1978
                                                1. Gov forcefully regained control
                                                  1. 700 blacks died
                                                    1. 6000 arrested
                                                    2. Violent protest was norm for rest of Apartheid
                                                      1. Gov backed down on language policy
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