The rule of Henry VIII


GCSE History (Tudors) Mind Map on The rule of Henry VIII, created by Izzy Noone on 25/02/2018.
Izzy Noone
Mind Map by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone about 6 years ago

Resource summary

The rule of Henry VIII
  1. Wolsey
    1. Character of the young Henry
      1. Control of the Church
        1. The Reformation and the need for Divorce
          1. Dissolution of the Monastries
          2. Head of the Church
            1. Opposition to religious changes
            2. Control of Government
              1. Factions at Court
              2. Rebelions
                1. Legitimacy of heirs
                  1. Succession
                  2. Thomas Cromwell
                    1. Foreign Policy
                      1. Problems of foreign policy in constantly shifting alliance pattern in Europe
                        1. Scotland and Ireland
                        2. Economy
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