lowered to 1/3 of the
daily amount needed
by an adult.
in the city's
parks and
other open
Siege of Leningrad lasted
almost two and one-half
years and cost the lives of
an estimated 1,000,000
city residents.
Operation Barberossa.
June 22nd 1941
Operation Barbarossa was based on a
massive attack based on blitzkrieg.
(Lightning Warfare).
Germany amassed 117 army
divisionsRussia amassed 132
army divisions
On June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler
launched his armies eastward in a
massive invasion of the Soviet
Union: three great army groups
with over three million German
soldiers, 150 divisions, and three
thousand tanks smashed across
the frontier into Soviet territory
Siege of Leningrad.
6,000 Tanks.
5,000 Aircraft.
2 million Men.
The siege of Leningrad
lasted from September 1941
to 1944. By the end of the
siege, some 632,000 people
are thought to have died with
nearly 4,000 people from
Leningrad starving to death
on Christmas Day, 1941. The
first German artillery shell fell
on Leningrad on September
1st, 1941
Order No. 270&227
Order 270 was signed
on August 16th 1941
Order 227 was
released in 1942 but
soon withdrawn. Both
have to do with Red
Army regulations with
respect to
surrendering to the
Special blocking
designed to
execute fleeing
soldiers killed an
150,000 soviet
troops over a four
year period. 15,00
of which during
the battle of
Severe Weather
Conditions play crucial
role in change in
Unprepared German army in
summer uniforms are pushed to
the limits as the well prepared
soviets are able to launch a
counter offensive, this may have
been one of the contributing
factors to the change of
momentum on the eastern front.
German invasion of Poland, September 1st 1939
WW2 Commences just two days
following the occupation.
German invasion of
Poland September 1st
1939, war commences
just two days following
the attack
Two weeks later,
september 17th soviet
troops close in on the
defeated Polish army.
By the end of the month the
country is divided between
Germany and Russia via the